Jaw or TMJ Issues

  • The jaw can be responsible for pains from headaches, to facial pain to local TMJ issues
  • The capsule around the joint, and the disc in the joint, are most commonly implicated in causing the symptoms.
  • Muscle imbalance may lead to the disc or capsule irritation
  • Clenching the jaw and grinding the teeth are often signs that accompany TMJ pain.

Self Management

  • Avoid hard or chewy foods
  • Learn to relax – stress is often a trigger for the pain and for the development of muscle imbalances
  • The use of a splint may be needed but this can be discussed with your physio who will suggest one from your dentist if indicated.
  • Exercise before bed – the endorphin release will act as a natural muscle relaxant.

Physiotherapy Management

  • Identify the areas of muscle imbalance and joint dysfunction
  • Release the painful / triggering muscles around the joint
  • Teach you self massage and release techniques to aid in your independence from treatment
  • Teach you exercises to overcome any muscle imbalances